In the kitchen, a special treat was being prepared and, before 10:30 AM had arrived, the word had leaked out that there was something special going on in the kitchen and right away, the photographers flocked to the kitchen :-).
The weather this year was great compared to the weather that we had for the 2011 OVAS Auction.
This year, for the day before the auction, the wind was so strong that it would have caused a lot of trouble if it had continued. Thankfully, the wind had died down and all that we had to contend with was a bit of ice underfoot. Last year’s weather had kept a few of the S.A.M. group at home in Montreal, but this year they were out in full force.
There were volunteers working feverishly to get everything ready for the arrival of the first of the sellers and the first of the potential buyers. Right on time, the front table was decorated with an assortment of free pamphlets covering a variety of fish related topics, including coloring books for the youngsters and posters about the upcoming OVAS Earth Day event ( More OVAS Earth Day Info ).
( More OVAS Earth Day Info ). **** Click on poster for a printable image ****
Thank you so much Ron for the wonderful photos of the Giant Auction!!!
Those cupcakes were delish and helped raise a few $$ for the club!!!
Thanks. My taste buds enjoyed the cupcakes too!