After visiting Shirley’s Bay, I drove along to Andrew Haydon Park on the Ottawa River. When I go out with my camera, I sometimes have a specific theme in mind. On other days,such a this one, I just photograph what happens to come along.
Sometimes, it might just be a Canada Goose.
Another time it might be a photographer on a rock. If I tried that, I would probably end up in the water.
Or perhaps the first Dandelion photos of the year.
Or perhaps a young couple out for a day in the sun. BTW Jeff (the one on the left :-)) has a couple of nice movies on-line. I particularly like his footage titled: Hodge Podge
For those who like their water sparkling, there could always be a shot like this.
But for those who like that satiny, smooth look, there could always be this.
Thanks for talking with us at Andrew Hayden. Eileen and I enjoyed our day with the Bird Whisperer! Great shots…….. and was able to retain some of the wealth of info you conveyed. I also managed to capture some video of the Brant.
Thanks again,