Canada Day in Kanata (2013) – Fireworks and Stage Show

Canada Day in Kanata (2013)  – Fireworks and Stage Show

My original plan was to head downtown to the Parliament Buildings for the daytime activities and then return to Kanata for the night time fireworks and stage show. That plan was shortened to just the Kanata portion. Weather was perfect and the number of mosquitoes per person was quite low. At first, I thought that, this year, I might like to head to the top of the toboggan hill and shoot the fireworks from that vantage point but, by the time that I got to the hill and looked at all of those people enjoying the stage show, I decided that I would make too many people upset if I tried to gently tip-toe around everyone on the hill.


This year’s stage show starred the Canadian Juno award winning band “Trooper” with vocalist Ra McGuire, guitarist Brian Smith, bass player Scott Brown, keyboardist GoGo and drummer Clayton Hill. The folks on the hill were certainly enjoying the show and really reacted with enthusiasm to the group’s playing of “Raise A Little Hell”.

RON_4199-Ra-McGuire  RON_4201-Ra-McGuire

RON_4195-Brian-Smith  RON_4215-Brian-Smith-guitar


It is always interesting when the performers decide to take their own photos. When keyboardist GoGo pulled out his Apple iPad mini and began photographing too, I just had to capture the moment.


After that he was back on the keyboard playing solo while the other members of the band got a moment to catch their breath.

RON_4223-GoGO  RON_4228-GoGo

A quick walk over to the amusement grounds and then I was back to the pond in time for the first volley of fireworks.

RON_4234-Polar-Express  RON_4244-Gazebo

Since I had changed many of my camera settings to photograph the previous night time images, I ran into a few problems for the first few volleys of fireworks. Everything worked a lot better once I realized that I had the camera delay timer on.

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All too soon the fireworks display was over for another Canada Day and off we went to home.

RON_4254-Fireworks  RON_4265-Fireworks

Happy Canada Day from Kanata, Ontario

About Ron

Ron has long had an interest in photography and traveling and, in recent years, has had more time to devote to both activities. Long a Pentax user, Ron switched to Nikon gear when he went digital. The advent of the digital SLR camera, and the ease of the internet blogging process, has provided a venue for sharing his photography and travel experience at the local, national and international level. More about Ron
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3 Responses to Canada Day in Kanata (2013) – Fireworks and Stage Show

  1. hey Ron as usual I love to see the Great pics you take….hopes all is going good for you my friend

    • Ron says:

      Haven’t seen you lately, or if I have, I haven’t recognized its you in one of your interesting costumes. I will be split between the H.O.P.E. Volleyball event, the Kingdom of Osgooode jousting and medieval weddings, and the Ogdensburg reenactments in the first two weekends of July. Might bump into you at one of those events. Hope all is still well with you and your polar bear friends.

  2. Selwyn says:

    Great work as always,Pal..

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