Carleton University Butterfly Exhibit 2012
Ed Bruggink of the Carleton University Biology Department has confirmed this week that final preparations are underway for another “Live” Tropical Butterfly event September 29th to October 8th inclusive in the H.H. Nesbitt Biology Building on the Carleton University campus. (Location)
If you find it difficult to wait until September 29th, 2012 to get a glimpse of some exotic butterflies, here are some images from last year: Day 2 of 2011 Butterfly Show at Carleton University
More info to follow in a week or two. Stay tuned.
September 7th – Poster added – Click on the poster if you want a printable version
Official Carleton University butterfly website
One of my many ongoing projects is to photograph as many of the various species of butterflies as I can and add them to our website in an organized fashion. Forty or so entries have been added to my butterfly species grouping so far but since I have 200 species or so of butterflies photographed in natural or artificial settings, the task still has a long way to go until completion. Most of the neotropical species were photographed in butterfly exhibits. I would like to make a couple of trips into the rainforest in the future which might allow me to photograph many of these species in the wild. Butterflies by species project.