Well, it was now about 6PM and I had called Graeme to pick me up. I ended up at the corner of Meadowlands and Woodroofe about 10km from where this series of photos began and the point at which, I am certain, the remaining cyclists still out on the route would be happy to turn the corner and get that nice tail wind pushing them the last 10 km along Meadowlands Drive.
For me, it had been about 2PM when I photographed this fire hydrant by the registration tables. These cyclists in their matching rouge et noir outfits were just arriving and everyone in this series of photos arrived somewhere behind them. Hope everyone had a wonderful day of cycling. Maybe next year I’ll schedule my time so I can be the one on two wheels and someone else will snap the shutter a few hundred times :-).
If you haven’t seen enough photos yet, take a look at the 2009 RLCT photos that Graeme has posted the 2009 tour (photos by Graeme) or get some ideas about cycling in Florida by looking at the spots that I visited with my bike in my Florida – January, 2011 or click on any of the side bar locations and be whisked away to other exotic locations of your choice.
That’s all folks! Best of cycling in 2011. Have fun. Stay safe.
P.S. Watch out for poison ivy.
Hi Ron:
Met you at our Beckwith Park on Sat. June 11th, and was wondering how you enjoyed our Heritage Fair, and was wondering if you had taken any pictures, other than Buttons my dog, and where I should look for them.
Thank you
Hello again. It was a busy weekend and I should have been wearing my Tilley hat but wasn’t. Really a RED head now and not just hair colour :-).
WRT the Beckwith Heritage Day photos. The Beckwith Heritage Day images are now on-line, with Buttons playing a leading role, here at: https://megapixeltravel.com/2011/06/beckwith-heritage-days/
Hi Ron,
you have several very good photo’s of our peloton arriving at Carlton. Beginning with the red Canadian cycling shirt (Joe), next Jeff in the orange Rabobank shirt, myself with the white Tour shirt and Maria in the white horse shirt, you have our peloton from the London Cycling Club. We traveled together both ways and meeting great people along the way. Thank you very much. William
Thanks for the photos, Ron! I saw you there snapping as we arrived, and was right pleased to find the photos online the next day. They already bring back great memories of that final rush to the finish, and the joy and satisfaction I was feeling. What a day, what a weekend, what a ride!
I’ve already sent the link to friends and family
Much obliged.
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