Other Astrophotography on the Night of the “Supermoon”

By now, you have probably seen your fair share of SuperMoon pictures. The moon was 30% brighter  and I was in Kanata at the time with the normal city glow reducing astronomical viewing.  Therefore, the moon was just about all that I could take a picture of with much detail. There were still a few bright objects in the sky that refused to be bleached out entirely, and I wanted to try out the Go-To on my telescope.

First, is a shot of Saturn and its moon Titan, they were pretty close to the moon (following a similar path across the sky but an hour later).

Playing in photoshop a bit I was able to pull out enough to show that yes, I did capture the remaining visible moons around Saturn…

Next, I had to fend off some neighbourhood raccoons with various flashing of lights and “shooing” sounds. Eventually they were scared off by using the radio on my power pack. With the raccoons away looking for some food elsewhere, I pointed the telescope at Bode’s Nebula (Messier #82) which is actually a Spiral Galaxy, but you wouldn’t be able to tell from this shot.

Finally due to a friendly contest at Cloudy Nights Forum , the month’s target for beginners was Kemble’s Cascade. The Cascade is a line of faint stars in the night sky (although not actually lined up in space) which end at an open cluster classified as NGC1502. This shot was with the Nikkor 80-400mm which was piggy-backed on the telescope as the Cascade’s length is more than the field of view though the telescope.

And here is a picture of NGC1502 as shot through the telescope.

And one last Moon shot for good measure, the Kepler Crater.



Telescopes available through Amazon.


About Graeme

Graeme is a traveler who enjoys photographing pretty much anything. He is also the webmaster for MegaPixelTravel.com
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One Response to Other Astrophotography on the Night of the “Supermoon”

  1. Jean Labelle says:

    These are fantastic Graeme!!!
    Well done sir!

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