Judy Small
Looking for this entertainers official website? Find it here: Judy Small website
A short summary from Wiki:
Judy Small is an Australian entertainer, folk singer, songwriter, and guitarist. Known for her feminist, often patriotic, and political songs, usually following a traditional theme, she has produced twelve albums, hundreds of songs and has been described as being among the most popular political singers in Australia. She has toured the country, playing primarily in clubs and pubs, and at various conventions. She has a background as a lawyer.
(More information from Wiki here: Wiki – Judy Small)
Not an mp3 fanatic yet but might become one as MP3 album prices continue to feature sales – MP3s on sale at Amazon
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What Judy Small music I have in my music collection
One Voice In The Crowd
1 One Voice In The Crowd
1 Walls And Windows
1 The I.P.D.
1 If I Ever Sing A Love Song
1 A Heroine Of Mine
1 Women Of Our Time
2 The Futures Exchange
2 Just Another Death In New York City
2 Alice Martin
2 The Family Maiden Aunt
2 Our Best Friend
2 Never Turning Back