Apparently voted the best Chinese Restaurant in Ireland, it was worth a look and see. Irish food quality I’ve heard has had an explosion of flavors and variety and as someone who enjoys Asian food (and pizza) I had to give it a try. So four of use broke off from the group to give this place a go.
Bar at the entrance of the restaurant and the waiting space while they find and prepare a table.Staff Preparing a Reserved Section of the Restaurant for what ended up being a huge party of people.
A variety of foods were tried, all good!
End of our meal we got our fortune cookie, a different take to what we normally get in North America
Promises… Promises…
Overall I was quite happy to of tried this restaurant. The food was good and there was still an “Irish” vibe in the service and overall everyone in the restaurant seemed to be having a good time.
If you don’t want to do sit-down restaurant they also have take-away and delivery