New England Trip 2012 – Day 6 – Olde Mistik Village Shopping Mall
We were beginning to worry about running out of daylight by the time that we crossed the Mystic River and arrived at the Olde Mistik Village Shopping Mall near the village of Mystic, Connecticut. Not out of shopping time though :-).
The mall consists of a number of buildings arranged in a village setting complete with gardens, walkways and a central duck pond. Promoted as a unique mall designed with the appearance and character of an 18th Century village, this shopping mall is definitely not “big box”. (Click on site plan for larger version)
Each of the buildings has its own unique character and the merchants offer a variety of unique items. At this time of the season, there were many discounted items but I suspect that during the summer months prices will be of the ‘tourist’ variety. I was window shopping rather than buying at most of the shops but did look into a box of music cassettes to see if any of the titles might fit nicely into my Music Collection but came away from that shop empty-handed.
Loved looking at the seasonal decorations as well as some of the more permanent fixtures and the decorative gardens and colorful trees and off we went again to see what we could see in nearby Mystic, CT before darkness set in.