We also had access to all the normal games and I think that we ended up playing most of them by the time the night was done.
One of the interesting things was the collection of electronic tickets prizes that you could win. When you played most of the games, they gave out electronic tickets (it’s all card based there) which you can take to the prize counter for prizes (similar to Chucky Cheese for USA visitors). Most of the night, I was able to achieve a whopping 80 tickets on some of the games. Then we walked by this Big Wheel (Price is Right) and I thought… why not…
First spin and I get the jackpot 1000 tickets. So now filthy ticket rich (well not really), I went and checked out the prize counter. They have quite a number of interesting things in the prize pot. Toys for kids, candy, some electronics (mainly 40,000 tickets and up if I remember correctly) and this guy…
So that’s the night, what a blast!