The first point of interest was a large termite mound. As I was photographing the termite mound, I caught a glimpse of movement in the bushes beside the trail and, on further searching located a Cuban White Fanned Anole (Anolis homolechis) also known by the Spanish name of Lagartiga Negra (I think).
There are many species of anoles and similar critters in Cuba and I think that I photographed three different species during my walk along the trail but since there were many different sizes and slight difference in coloration, it is possible that may have encountered more than three species.
The trail was full of holes and sunken areas so there were lots of places for critters to hide. As I was walking back to the entrance, another couple coming the opposite direction saw a large brown snake coming out of one of the holes in the middle of the trail but it stopped and headed back down before I could get a shot.
There was also the possibility of seeing some frogs but here again I saw none so had to be satisfied with photographing just the sign.
Even though I saw no frogs and birds that I did see were not posing for the camera, there was plenty of interesting vegetation to photograph.
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