It was a nice day on Friday so I took a bit of time to enjoy the sunshine and lay around in the vetches photographing whatever happened to be in the area. I hadn’t even left the parking lot before the bright yellows and oranges of the flowers caught my attention.
And, of course, the interesting seed heads of a Goatsbeard is always more interesting if it has an interesting insect crossing its face.
There were a number of different damselfly species flitting from place to place but the first one that I stopped to photograph was interesting because of the red mites that were attached to its abdomen. A number of the damselfies had caught a meal but I wasn’t sure just what insect they had caught but it looked like they might have been catching small leafhoppers because there were plenty of those around.
The dandelions were almost finished their blooming period but there were now a number of other flower species in bloom to take their place.
While I was standing knee deep in the vetches, a pair of Spring Azure butterflies came along and let me get in close enough for some exciting shots.