Most individuals were packing up to leave, but a few individuals were still playing in the swells.
For me it was a few more shots at Bates Island and then I was quickly off to Mud Lake.
The following shows the Ottawa River at flood stage. During the drier periods I can walk through shallow water over to the island that would now be impossible to reach because of the swift (and deep) water. The main Deschenes Rapids can be seen in the distance.
Compared to the swift waters of the Ottawa River, the waters of Mud Lake were mirror smooth and as dusk arrived I was visited by a Canada Goose and then by a beaver.
As I was walking along a trail back to my car, the sun was setting through the trees.
Meanwhile, out on the lake, a Night Heron decided to fly in and perch on a tree. It had been a good day. Hopefully the blue sky will continue. Much more enjoyable to photograph with blue sky instead of rain showers.