No question about it, Spring is coming. My snowdrops say so.
Weather this morning started out with a few misty rain showers. It then reverted to Kodak’s “cloudy, bright” again. That didn’t stop a small clump of crocuses in my front lawn from opening up for the first time this year. This particular clump has been flowering for about fifteen years now and will flower for about two days. By then, the squirrels will, once again, discover them and eat off everything that is above ground. This clump, and a few other similar clumps, are all that remain of a few hundred crocus bulbs that I planted many years ago. The first few years, the squirrels dug up more than natural multiplication replaced. In recent years, the numbers of surviving crocuses has stabilized but, I can almost guarantee that, within a few days, one or more squirrels will come around to chew these early bloomers right to the ground. Nice to see the early blooms, nonetheless.