My hiking partner and I were the two Canadians. Three other groups of two were hiking along at about the same pace and we would see them from time to time. Two were from New Zealand (the Kiwis), two were from England (the brothers-in-laws). These two were the Australians. They had just reached the top of a long, slippery climb up a steep slope in the rain and were thrilled to be at the top 🙂
You can’t judge a dyke by its stile. I didn’t count them, for sure, but I have read somewhere that there may be as many as 700 stiles to cross over, go through or get around over the length of the Offa’s Dyke Path. I can confirm though that they become more difficult as the day progresses and more dangerous on a rainy day.
Halt! Who Goes There! Oh no, more life on the path and I’ve been spotted!