White-Tailed Deer, Greenbelt Trails, Ottawa
I live in Kanata, Ontario, a growing community on the west edge of Ottawa. We’re now part of the big, amalgamated city of Ottawa but I think few really want to admit it :-).
One of the nice things about where I live, is the easy access to Ottawa’s Greenbelt and its many forested trails. If I want to got out for a short X/C ski outing or don my snowshoes and tramp around a bit, it is easy to do so. In the winter months, the deer population becomes quite “tame”, and readily come near to the trails to pick up a bit of corn or the piece of apple left there by the humans who share the forest with them.
This particular day, one young buck and doe came meandering out of the forested area and walked right past me as I switched from my Nikon 100mm lens down to my Nikon 10.5mm lens.
The young buck only had one antler which was a bit surprising to see. I tend to take out a different collection of lenses each time that I go walking in the Greenbelt just to add to the variety and to give myslef a chance to try out new things or to get reacquainted with older lenses that might have sat in storage for a while. This particular time, I was using an old push-pull type Nikon 75-135mm lens at 135mm for this close-up of the young buck.